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Old 06-13-2006, 05:11 PM
Marq Marq is offline
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Default Epoch with lithiums

Hello. I'm curious, where can I get the, what is it called Shotgun modification kit for my Epoch? It looks like a lithium upgrade with a new motor pod and twin motors? I find my Epoch handles great, but way to slow. My house does not allow room for the Mini-Z's to let loose, so I like the smaller Epoch's and am also working on a 1/32 scale RC car as well. I thought about taking apart my Epoch and making a pan-chassis kit for it, so I need to find this Shotgun kit. Can anybody tell me where I can purchase it? I dont see it listed in the shop unless I'm looking in the wrong places. I have a small lithium battery that I think will work for it.
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Old 06-16-2006, 10:01 PM
Marq Marq is offline
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Default Hub's from Knuckles.

Nuts, I just lost my front knuckles to my Epoch! AGH! I had the wheels on it too! I wonder where they went? I need to take a look at removing the hub from the knuckle so I can measure it and draw it in AutoCad! HA! Never mind, I found theme. As usual they were right where I left theme! Hate it when that happens! Still, how do I remove the hub from the knuckles without breaking anything? I know how to remove the wheel from the hub, but I need to remove the hub!

Last edited by Marq; 06-16-2006 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 06-18-2006, 09:58 PM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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You have to carefully pull the pin.

Negotiating my gallery can be a bit of a chore since it is a little disorganized with albums within albums, as well as descriptions under the photo’s that differ from the thumbnails, but there should be photos and descriptions that will answer most of your questions.


Last edited by LBRC; 06-18-2006 at 10:18 PM.
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Old 06-23-2006, 12:53 AM
Marq Marq is offline
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Hi there. I looked at your gallery, and it only shows me that it is removed. It does not show me HOW to remove the hub from the knuckle. Whats the status on your Shotgun motor pod? I need to get one of your kits for my pan chassis idea.
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Old 06-23-2006, 03:07 AM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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Hold the pin head with a pair of pliers or even dykes then carefully twist and pull the hub off,

leaving you with three pieces hub, pin, and knuckle.

If yours have collected as much lint and hair as this set throw the hair away.

Am a little behind on the mounts, may look like they have a way to go but shouldn’t be too much longer. The good news is that the new/final motors arrived, the bad is that I’m still waiting on gears. But don’t worry Marq I set aside a set for you.

Last edited by LBRC; 06-23-2006 at 03:09 AM.
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Old 06-28-2006, 04:58 PM
Marq Marq is offline
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Thank you LBRC. I'd really like to add your motor mount set up to my chassis kit. It would make for one hell of a combination upgrade kit for the Epoch's. Carbon Fiber pan chassis, and aluminum tie-rods, knuckles, and your motor pod. What do you think?
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Old 08-23-2006, 06:56 AM
Nerdy Johnson
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why didn't you just call them about it?
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Old 08-23-2006, 09:57 AM
will3kgt will3kgt is offline
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Default Report on Shotgun MOD E-poch

Hello everyone. I was given one of the Modified Epochs to test for one week by Mini-z at our Ann Arbor race. It was in pieces when he gave it to me So he told me as long as I put it back together, I could test it...Plus do a write up on it..So here it goes.
Day 1: In pieces, spent most of my night @ work putting it together. (You damn near have to be a watchmaker to work on these.) When I finally got it together, I was able to run..However I had to use the 180 Mah batteries instead of the Li-Po. This thing flies! It seemed like it has two speeds, very punchy off the start, then the speed really kicks in! This is as fast as a stock Mini-z if not faster.
Day 2: More of the same as Day 1. Called badskater21 to tell him that I had the "LBRC built" Epoch and would like to test it on his track.

Day 3: At Badskater21's Epoch test track, we were able to compare and contrast the modded Epoch with a stock one.
They both wieghed pretty much the same. LBRC's weighed a little bit more in the back. (obviously )
On the track I could only go half throttle down the staights as the car is so fast but very managable. We made video and took pictures that will be forthcoming soon. Must say that this is a amazing little car and as soon as parts are available I'll be one of the first in line for one. Badsketer21 wants one also. So LBRC please put two aside for me and my buddy, this modification is 2nd to none! Excellent work! By the way, if I could send you one of my Epochs could you do the mod for me for a price. Please get back to me on that. Thanks Mini-z for the demo and thanks LBRC for your innovation. Peace.
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Old 08-23-2006, 06:06 PM
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cdog4w cdog4w is offline
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Nice review. I have one too (not as fully modified and TLC'd as yours, I just have turbo and shotgun) and it does make a sweet ride. You're absolutely right on re-assembly though, I had the most trouble getting the servo motor and the charge jack/switch to stay in place while I put the top back on... But well worth it in the end. My new garage has enough space for me to put down my current RCP track setup (45 degree + some extra tiles) so once we finish moving in I can start racing again!
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Old 08-23-2006, 09:15 PM
will3kgt will3kgt is offline
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Thankyou...Wait until you see the video we've made. Anyway that's very true about the charge stick & getting the servo back in. You have to hope and pray everything falls into place when you put in back together.
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