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Old 08-23-2006, 09:15 PM
will3kgt will3kgt is offline
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Thankyou...Wait until you see the video we've made. Anyway that's very true about the charge stick & getting the servo back in. You have to hope and pray everything falls into place when you put in back together.
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Old 08-24-2006, 03:36 AM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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Glad to here that you like them, I have one Basic Super Epoch and One Ultimate Super Epoch ready to go, as well as a couple of Turbo’s and Shotgun mounts for those wanting to tackle a cheaper and more adventurous DIY project. Unfortunately while playing with the gallery settings I erased all of the R&R battery mod instructions but the photo’s tell most of the how to and I plan on redoing and posting it.

Hint, try using the charge plug to hold the jack in place as you put it together .

Have made a few changes since sending the first two test cars to Ann Arbor. The latest Shotgun mounts are looking pretty nice

with open mounting holes, it's now allot easier to replace the motors if needed, and the RTV used to secure them is easy to find, cheap, strong, and shock resistant, while being easy to remove and clean off.

Will3gk which of the two Ann Arbor test cars do you have the one with the orange motors or the red, and which pinions does it have the white 7 or orange 8 tooth?

This little beauty turned out particularly sweet with it’s ball bearing front hubs, upgraded steering servo motor, and turbo bypass plug so you can use the stock motor driver output instead of the turbo anytime you want a little less torque.

Chuckyluv somewhere around DG has one similar to it.
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Old 08-25-2006, 06:21 AM
will3kgt will3kgt is offline
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Hello LBRC! Glad I get to email you. I have the red motored epoch I believe. (I'm at work at the moment and I don't have the car in front of me.) Your new motors are a work of art I must say. I was just about to ask you if you were going to make motor mounts that had more holes on the bottom for adjusting as I couldn't get it on my Calsonic Skyline body or my Esso Supra body (Yes, I'm one of the few who has both bodies ) I'm looking forward to testing and owning some of your new innovations. Can't wait to see what you do with a miniz-lit when they come out.
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Old 08-25-2006, 07:42 AM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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Can’t wait for the Lit either, or to be more precise I can’t wait for the standard hop-ups, especially with luck a diecent ball differential. At RCX I got a good long look at the Lit and the funny thing is that I’m thinking for racing fans at least an Epoch chassis is going to be one of the hottest Lit hop-up part must haves. My plan is to mate the too cars using the Lit electronics and differential in a battery modded Epoch chassis w/custom Shotgun motor mount of course. With luck the front kingpins will be the same diameter for even more hybrid possibilities.

Sort of an odd but one thought I had while pawing over the Lit was wondering how the taller wheels would look and fit in a Spec-1 body.
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Old 08-25-2006, 06:06 PM
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cdog4w cdog4w is offline
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LBRC, do you plan to sell pre-modded front bearing wheels or perhaps a mail in mod service for it? I'd send in or buy a set for sure!

Kyosho certainly is making us wait for the Lit... I heard that Japan pricing looks similar to the AWD chassis set (MZR). Puts it around $130 US. I'm thinking not worth it for the car alone if no hopups come out, but if you can buy parts and improve performance then I could see a reason for the steep pricetag. Some people just don't have the room for a full size mini-z track which is, of course, why most of us are here (aside from epochs being cool period
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Old 08-25-2006, 10:23 PM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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There are two problems; the big one is drilling out the bearing hole consistently I’m getting better at it but occasionally one still comes out off center, and I haven’t found a consistent way to make axles, it’s still trial and error even with the carbon fiber two to three sets until I get a matching pair.

I have a new jig I’ve been working on that should cut the irreplaceable center drill rejects down. The problem with the axles is that there needs to be a way to keep them from pushing in as you repeatedly take the wheels on and off, I can use carbon fiber rod and machine a bead but as you can imagine that’s a bit time consuming, but I have found some bras bushings the right size, and if I can now find the correct diameter rod, preferably CF, I’ll have the problem licked.

Have been making/modifying sets for people as time permits with a one for one exchange policy, but of necessity due to time and my limited stock of spare hubs have had to charge more than I want.
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Old 08-26-2006, 06:27 AM
will3kgt will3kgt is offline
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I figured you'd have both spec-1 bodies LBRC. I hope I can send you one of my Epochs to mod out..for a decent price of course. Please drop me an email
if you get a chace.
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Old 08-30-2006, 01:09 AM
Reaperman93010 Reaperman93010 is offline
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lbrc, it's good to hear the front bearings are comming along. I can never resist spending money on the little devils. I'll wait for your jig before I start the pm/begging process.

looks like it would be a real pain to mod them without a jig.

how is your shotgun final motor/gear combo? is it a big upgrade from previous models?
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Old 08-30-2006, 08:20 PM
arfin arfin is offline
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The new shotgun mounts are looking very good. I'm glad your still updating the designs. Although the first batch are already very impressive. I just pulled out my box of epochs a few days ago actually, and thought i'd check out the site. Your shotgun setup is still working perfectly, i forgot how fast it was. Also i Was wondering if you will be updating your website and sell your hop ups? I'm dying for those long lasting batteries man, i'm desperate!
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Old 08-16-2007, 12:36 AM
dougcmd dougcmd is offline
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Default looking to buy

im interested in buying a modded epoch, say with the shotgun motor mount, etc, email me some pics and your price--dougcmd@yahoo.com
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