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Old 08-01-2005, 08:22 AM
crazydave crazydave is offline
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Default Should I get an Epoch?

So I was gonna get an Iwaver 02 from Tower Hobbies... but Tower delayed the due date to mid-September. I can not save money, so I knew I would be finding something else I wanted instead, and then this site pops up, with Epochs, and I'm like, "Oh yeah, Epochs".

So here's my debate. Got a group of guys from Mini-ZRacer.com here in Phoenix that want to hook up to race. Actually they've been getting together, and I've been missing out. I've been figuring I could hop up my Xmod meantime, but I wanted to get a Mini-Z type car, so we'll be on a somewhat even racing level. I don't don't have much use for an Iwaver otherwise, and I don't know how often I'd get around to doing that, if ever.

I'd really like to get an Epoch to run around the apartment, and they're the same price, so now I'm already swaying, but I got questions.

Are they fast out of the box, or am I gonna gonna want to hop it up right away?
Do I need anything besides the RTR set?
What hop ups would I maybe want to get first thing?
Hows the radio?
Is it standard 27mhz radio gear, so I can use my Iwaver controller with it? How's it gonna hold up outdoors, like say on a concrete basketball court?
Are the stock tires grippy?

Sorry about all the questions in my first post, and thanks for your time.

Last edited by crazydave; 08-01-2005 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 08-01-2005, 06:16 PM
epoch1-43 epoch1-43 is offline
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cd, they are fast enough to be fun out of the box, and will keep up w/ a Z with a 4th cell added. I would recommend getting a selection of tires to start, they have a fairly large impact on handling. Do you have a nice RC-grade charger? If not, I'd at least consider the AC Adapter:


Or if you have other RCs, you might want to look at something more along the lines of a Piranha:


The stock Tx is small and not that great, if you have another 27MHz, it should work, there are a few exceptions, but in general, most should work.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
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Old 08-01-2005, 07:23 PM
arfin arfin is offline
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I'd say they are pretty fast out of the box, but i've seen your pro stocker, so maybe not fast enough for you.

You don't need anything other then the RTR kit, besides a better charger.
The stock tires are ok, but the hop up ones are better in terms of grip.
Also, like i said to Finks, they have more possibilites after LBRC, and ph2t got theirs.

They are also much easier to maintain now, and parts are readily available.
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Old 08-01-2005, 10:15 PM
crazydave crazydave is offline
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You don't need anything other then the RTR kit, besides a better charger.
So is that to say they come with a charger, but it sucks? If so how does it suck, long charge times?
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Old 08-01-2005, 11:03 PM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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Hey CD,

The charger isn’t bad it’s just sort of an advanced Bit or ZZ charger portable but takes 6 AA’s, and as with anything it just can’t compete with a “good” hobby grade digital peak charger for battery care, performance, and runtime. True for any size electric RC car but now with better chargers at lower prices it’s doubly true for micro sized batteries. I tend to prefer micro electric aircraft chargers for AAA and smaller cells though, the new car chargers will now handle single cells and lower current levels but they are still intended for sub C and D cell battery packs, where as the aircraft chargers are made for our smaller cells but can still handle larger packs. Selection in most cases is a compromise and would depend on the battery type you would be charging most.

Epoch pros
A stock Epoch is pretty sweet right out of the box with bodies that are pretty much virgin territory. But aside from tires and springs there aren’t a lot of hop-up’s “yet” not that it really needs them, since it’s not exactly slow out of the box and adding a peak charger and 4 cell is a healthy improvement. However the Epoch is first and foremost a driver’s car quiet and smooth with both front and rear tweakable suspension.

As for blinding insane un-drivable speed, I have a couple of motor prototypes and a lot of peeps have built Turbo’s that are good for a torque boost while they wait for motors.

Flip side
The car is heavy for it’s size but that can be an advantage, it does help with traction and stability, but you can definitely “feel the weight.” And I’m not exactly enamored with the stock controller either but then because of the funky high low trigger tension switch I end up hauling one out all the time to play with anyway so that’s a love hate thing. The digital IW controller is surprisingly good with the Epoch.

Bottom line
In my book an Epoch is a must for anyone’s collection, big thumbs up.

If your considering an Iwaver I would wait and not get one as soon as they’re released. It’s true for any new car actually, but Iwaver does not have a stellar first run record. With every new release the first cars to hit the US where hit and miss at best in the QA department, some of them where even down right dead. To be fair time tends to blur the rocky road other companies have traveled with past first releases, and Iwaver has been correcting their QA problems in record time. I plan on getting myself a new one sometime in December or even January, ok that’s a lie I will probably snag the first one I see but I’m sucker for any new 1:28 or smaller proportional car and like tearing them down and rebuilding them anyway.

Last edited by LBRC; 08-01-2005 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 08-01-2005, 11:32 PM
crazydave crazydave is offline
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Thanks LBRC. I think that may be what I needed. Honestly I asked the question here, because I wanted biased replies, I wanted someone to talk me into into it.

You're totally right about that Iwaver first run thing. They're already delaying, so they're having issues, and if I waited on my 04, I'd have oil shocks. That's a pretty big deciding factor.

Ok, I think I'm sold. I can probably live with the charger to start with, but since you know I play with mostly bits, I'm interested in these aircraft chargers. What do you reccomend, you know, on the cheap side?

Hey what about bearings? Do they come with them, are they an option?

Oh yeah, and about the outdoor thing, no one's addressed that. Are these difficult to maintain if run in dusty areas? I heard mention of diff rebuilding issues.

Last edited by crazydave; 08-01-2005 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 08-02-2005, 12:46 AM
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sessiz sessiz is offline
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Just get one dave.
I've been running my epochs for sometime now and only had to clean out them wheels once, offcourse I don't have any pets so cat or dog hair may be a problem. I've never run them outside becuase I freakin baby these cars. Hopefully I won't have to anymore.
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Old 08-02-2005, 02:20 AM
arfin arfin is offline
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I've never ran them outside, but i know ph2t has so ask him. Also, with the stock charger, and the A/C adapter Apex gave out, it made my car batteries VERRRRRY HOTTTTT That's why i said that. I don't have a peak charger so i just got an adapter from RS, with the adapter plugs, and voltage seletion. It's 300 ma.

I've never seen anyone post about disliking them, so i say get one!
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Old 08-02-2005, 09:25 PM
LBRC LBRC is offline
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No ball bearings, and no place to put them. Which is too bad even though it could be argued that they wouldn’t make much difference I think if they where to redesign the chassis bushings with a ball bearing option would be a mandatory consideration.

As for chargers my first advice is that it is better to save up for a good one if you don’t have an immediate need than to by a cheep one. Chargers like the Triton will charge NiMh or lithium cells as well as NiCad or lead acid with an impressive array of options. I haven’t tried on but it now looks like the Duratrax Ice one upped them in the price range but these are still a little pricy so I’ll do a little research and get back with what to look for and some good choices.
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Old 08-04-2005, 02:22 PM
crazydave crazydave is offline
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Alright, my order is in, so there is no need for any further convincing. Thanks for the replies guys.
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